Monday, December 2, 2013

Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating People!

So in case you were wondering who made the list of Barbara Walters ten most fascinating people, look no further, because we have your deets right here!

Some of the year’s biggest names in news, entertainment and pop culture are sitting down with Walters for her annual special “Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of the Year.” The 90-minute program will air Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 9:30 p.m. ET.
The special, in its 21st year, includes Hollywood darling Jennifer Lawrence, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, ABC News’ very own “Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts, Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, together known as KimYe, the breakout stars from the hit reality TV show “Duck Dynasty,” and arguably the most famous infant in the world — Duchess Kate and Prince William’s baby George, the heir to the British throne.
The No. 1 most fascinating person of 2013 will be announced on the program. The show will also reflect on moments from the past 20 years of Walters’ “Most Fascinating People of the Year” specials, which started in 1993.
Artist or train wreck waiting to happen? You decide!
Want to know more about her? All you have to do is read my ebook, "Miley Cyrus What Happened?" Available on and you'll get all the information you ever wanted and More!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Once Upon A Time...

Once Upon a Time I wrote for a cool website called HecklerSpray. Here are the links to some of my published work about James Franco, Naomi Watts, Fifty Shades of Grey and Sofia Vergara!
Check out my smashwords interview to find out more about what makes me tick!